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Great Orion Nebula M42 Deepsky in Winter
--Scenic spots in winter sky
204 images displayed, Last updated on Mar 15, 2025

It goes without saying that it pains to gazing at skies in winter at the northern hemisphere. But winter night brings us magnificent views of constellations including seven or more bright stars.
  And it can be seen some splendid objects like the Great Orion Nebula (M42), and the Pleiades (M45), you can enjoy every bit of the beauties of winter skies more than compensate for being numb with cold.

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     .....Objects with this mark include pages of spectral profiles taken with a spectrometer.

Inner-Galactic Nebulae in Winter
To Preview of Nebulae & Galaxies
  You can see many nebulae in the winter's Milky Way same as in summer. But almost all nebulae are invisible except a few bright objects like the Great Orion Nebula (M42). We can appreciate many splendid nebulae like the Rosette Nebula, Barnard's Loop and so on through photo films or CCDs.
To Sky map in Winter

  Inner-Galactic Nebulae ↓ Galaxies ↓ Open & Globular Clusters

M1(Crab Nebula, Taurus). f=530mm, 439KB (Consists of 2 images)
M42(The Great Orion Nebula), f=1278mm, 208+319+711KB (Consists of 3 images)
The Great Orion Nebula to Horsehead Nebula, f=210mm, 499KB
M78(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1790mm, 426KB (Consists of 3 images)
NGC1360(Planetary Nebula in Fornax), f=1600mm, 61KB
Melope Nebula(NGC1435 in Taurus), f=1600mm, 464KB
NGC1514(Planetary Nebula in Taurus), f=1600mm, 78KB
NGC1535(Planetary Nebula in Eridanus), f=2500mm, 59KB
Around Hind's variable nebula to Sh2-239(Emission Nebulae in Taurus), f=530mm, 546+117+569KB (Consists of 3 images)
NGC1788(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 436KB
NGC1973(Diffused Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 429KB
NGC1999, IC430 & Herbig-Haro object(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1278mm, 380KB
NGC2022(Planetary Nebula in Orion), f=2500mm, 62KB
Horse head Nebula & NGC2024(Diffused Nebulae in Orion), f=530mm, 512KB (Consists of 3 images)
NGC2149(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=530mm, 442KB
Monkey Nebula(NGC2174-5 in Orion), f=1600mm, 709KB
Wide field around Monkey & Jerry-fish Nebulae, f=210mm, 1140KB
Around NGC2182(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=530mm, 853KB
Rosette Nebula(NGC2237 in Monoceros), f=530mm, 809KB
Wide field around Rosette Nebula, f=80mm, 967KB
Southern region of Rosette Nebula, f=300mm, 768KB
NGC2316(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 69KB
NGC2346(Planetary Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 200KB Replaced on Mar 15, 2025
Duck Nebula(NGC2359 in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 744KB
Barnard's Loop (Sh2-276 in Orion), f=135mm, 882KB
Barnard's Loop to Rosette Nebula, f=80mm, 779KB
Hubble's Variable Nebula(NGC2261 in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 302KB
NGC2264 & Cone Nebula(Open Cluster in Monoceros), f=530mm, 637+487KB (Consists of 2 images)
NGC2371(Planetary Nebula in Gemini), f=1600mm, 127KB
Eskimo Nebula(NGC2392 in Gemini), f=2500mm, 64KB
NGC2438(Planetary Nebula in Puppis), f=1600mm, 181KB
NGC2467(Open Clusters + Nebulosity in Puppis), f=530mm, 733KB
Around IC405(Diffused Nebula in Auriga), f=530mm, 965+1332+519KB (Consists of 3 images)
IC418(Planetary Nebula in Lepus), f=2500mm, 23KB
Around IC426(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=850mm, 427KB
IC443(Diffused Nebula in Gemini), f=530mm, 1025+446KB
IC448(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=530mm, 697KB
IC466(Diffused Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 238KB
IC2118(Reflection Nebula in Eridanus), f=530mm, 1008KB
Molecular Cloud around IC2118, f=80mm, 767KB
IC2120(Planetary Nebula in Auruga), f=1600mm, 156KB
IC2149(Planetary Nebula in Auruga), f=1600mm, 56KB
IC2162(Diffused Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 891KB
IC2169(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=530mm, 617KB
IC2172(NGC2282, Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=1278mm, 196KB
Seagull Nebula(IC2177 in Monoceros), f=324mm, 1067+1164KB
vdB26(Reflection Nebula in Taurus), f=1600mm, 99KB
Around vdB27, IC359 to B217(Reflection & Dark Nebulae in Taurus), f=530mm, 522KB
vdB29, vdB31(Reflection Nebulae in Taurus & Auriga), f=530mm, 634+100+394KB (Consists of 3 images)
vdB37(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 176KB
vdB49(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1278mm, 148KB
vdB55(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 142KB
vdB62(Reflection Nebula in Orion), f=530mm, 616+435KB (Consists of 2 images)
vdB80(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 74KB
vdB93(Diffused Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 674KB
vdB96(Reflection Nebula in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 181KB
vdB98(Reflection Nebula in Puppis), f=1600mm, 181KB
Around Sh2-216, Sh2-221(Planetary Nebulae & Supernova remnant in Auriga), f=135mm, 792KB
Sh2-223, Sh2-224(Supernova Remnants in Auriga), f=530mm, 990+898KB (Consists of 2 images)
Around Sh2-227, Sh2-228(Diffused Nebulae in Auriga), f=530mm, 986KB
Around Sh2-232(Diffused Nebula in Auriga), f=530mm, 549KB
Sh2-240(Supernova Remnant in Taurus & Auriga), f=135mm, 763KB
Sh2-241(Diffused Nebula in Auriga), f=1600mm, 921KB
Sh2-243(Reflection Nebula in Taurus), f=1600mm, 166KB
LBN826(Diffused Nebula in Taurus), f=1600mm, 653KB
Sh2-245(Orion-Eridanus superbubble), f=80mm, 690KB
Sh2-247(Diffused Nebula in Gemini), f=1600mm, 457KB
Sh2-250, Sh2-251(Diffused Nebulae in Taurus), f=530mm, 584KB
Sh2-253(Diffused Nebula in Gemini), f=530mm, 758KB
Sh2-260, Sh2-262(Diffused Nebulae in Orion), f=135mm, 862KB
Sh2-261(Diffused Nebula in Orion), f=530mm, 512KB
Sh2-263, Sh2-265(Diffused Nebulae in Orion), f=530mm, 621KB
Around Sh2-267 to Sh2-271(Diffused Nebulae in Orion), f=530mm, 1312KB
Around Sh2-273(Vast Nebulosities around Cone Nebula), f=324mm, 1140KB
Sh2-278(Diffused Nebula in Orion), f=530mm, 535KB
Sh2-280, 282, 284(Diffused Nebulae in Monoceros), f=530mm, 934KB
Around Sh2-284 to Sh2-287(Diffused Nebulae & Supernova Remnant in Monoceros), f=80mm, 837KB
The Angel fish(Diffused Nebula in Orion), f=135mm, 764KB
Sh2-299, Sh2-300(Diffused Nebulae in Puppis), f=1600mm, 227KB
Sh2-301(Diffused Nebula in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 667KB
Sh2-302(Diffused Nebula in Puppis), f=530mm, 980KB
Around Sh2-304(Diffused Nebula in Canis Major), f=245mm, 576KB
Sh2-308(Diffused Nebula in Canis Major), f=530mm, 908KB
Around LBN777, B207(Reflection & Dark Nebulae in Taurus), f=530mm, 427KB
G206.9+2.3 & LBN947(Supernova Remnant & Diffused Nebula in Monoceros), f=530mm, 657+722KB (Consists of 2 images) Added on Mar 2, 2025
LBN1023(Reflection Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 84KB
California Nebula, Pleiades & Hyades, f=80mm, 929KB
Molecular clouds around M45, f=300mm, 1002KB
Orion Association, f=80mm, 1019KB
Nebulosity around southen Orion, f=105mm, 745KB
Abell 7 & Crimson Star(Planetary Nebula in Lepus), f=530mm, 571KB
Abell 13(Planetary Nebula in Orion), f=1600mm, 221KB
Abell 24(Planetary Nebula in Canis Minor), f=742mm, 101KB
PK197-6.1(Supernova Remnant in Orion), f=530mm, 903KB
Medusa Nebula(PK205+14.1 in Gemini), f=1600mm, 576+763KB
Gum Nebula(Supernova Remnant in Puppis & Vela), f=35mm & 135mm, 128+779KB (Consists of 2 images)
Red Rectangle(Planetary Nebula in Monoceros), f=1600mm, 191KB
Around Taurus Molecular Cloud, f=80mm, 1161KB
Nebulosities around the Hyades, f=324mm, 1017KB
Molecular Cloud around λ Gem, f=300mm, 1113KB
Molecular Cloud around central Camelopardalis, f=80mm, 782KB

  To Other Seasons⇒  Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Galaxies in Winter
To Preview of Galaxies
  The main stage in winter skies is nebulae and clusters along the Milky Way, but we can see many galaxies in southern lower skies around Eridanus and Fornax. Although there are no famous bodies with nicknames, we can enjoy various shaped outer space galaxies same as in spring.
To Sky map in Winter

↑ Inner-Galactic Nebulae   Galaxies ↓ Open & Globular Clusters

NGC1084(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 93KB
NGC1097(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 119KB
NGC1187(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 61KB
NGC1200 & Abell415 (Galaxy & Galaxy Cluster in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 201KB
NGC1232(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 56KB
NGC1253(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 133KB
NGC1255(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 127KB
NGC1300(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 95KB
NGC1315(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 52KB
NGC1316,NGC1317(Galaxies in Fornax), f=1600mm, 90KB
NGC1325, NGC1332(Galaxies in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 130KB
NGC1337(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 123KB
NGC1350(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 106KB
The Fornax Cluster, f=1278mm, 85KB
NGC1365(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 481KB
NGC1371(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 144KB
NGC1395(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 103KB
NGC1398(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1790mm, 59KB
NGC1407(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 106KB
NGC1409 & NGC1410(Galaxies in Taurus), f=1600mm, 142KB
NGC1425(Galaxy in Fornax), f=1600mm, 105KB
NGC1518 & NGC1521(Galaxies in Eridanus), f=1790mm, 106KB
NGC1532(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 108KB
NGC1560(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1600mm, 249KB
NGC1569(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1600mm, 74KB
Around NGC1622(Galaxies in Eridanus), f=1790mm, 96KB
NGC1637(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 143KB
NGC1723 Group(Galaxy Group in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 122KB
NGC1744(Galaxy in Lepus), f=1600mm, 135KB
NGC1784(Galaxy in Lepus), f=1790mm, 94KB
NGC1792(Galaxy in Columba), f=1600mm, 108KB
NGC1808(Galaxy in Columba), f=1600mm, 96KB
NGC1888(Galaxy in Lepus), f=1600mm, 126KB
NGC1954(Galaxy in Lepus), f=1600mm, 111KB
NGC1961(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1600mm, 73KB
NGC1964(Galaxy in Lepus), f=1600mm, 108KB
NGC2090(Galaxy in Columba), f=1600mm, 120KB
NGC2146(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=2500mm, 67KB
NGC2188 & Abell3381(Galaxy & Galaxy Cluster in Columba), f=1600mm, 188KB
NGC2207 & IC2163(Galaxies in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 133KB
NGC2217(Galaxy in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 88KB
NGC2276, NGC2300(Galaxies in Cepheus), f=530mm, 92KB
NGC2280(Galaxy in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 153KB
NGC2292, NGC2293(Galaxies in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 184KB
IC356(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1600mm, 92KB
UGC3697(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1760mm, 44KB
UGCA90(Galaxy in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 101KB
UGCA105(Galaxy in Camelopardalis), f=1600mm, 387KB
Abell548 (Galaxy Cluster in Lepus), f=1600mm, 125KB
HCG21 (Galaxy Group in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 126KB
HCG23 (Galaxy Group in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 102KB
HCG31(Galaxy Group in Eridanus), f=1600mm, 111KB

  To Other Seasons⇒  Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Open & Globular Clusters in Winter
To Preview of Star Clusters
  Plenty of open clusters can be appreciated around the winter's dimmed Milky Way. Some magnificent clusters like the Pleiades (M45) and the Hyades are included.
  And it's one of characteristics that the winter skies contains hardly globular clusters because it's corresponds to the opposite side of the center of Galaxy.

To Sky map in Winter

↑ Inner-Galactic Nebulae ↑ Galaxies   Open & Globular Clusters

Open Clusters
M35(Open Cluster in Gemini), f=530mm, 160KB
M36,M37,M38(Open Clusters in Auriga), f=1278mm, 145+29KB
M41(Open Cluster in Canis Major), f=530mm, 141KB
M45(The Pleiades, Taurus), f=530mm, 441KB (Consists of 3 images)
M46,M47(Open Clusters in Puppis), f=710mm, 188KB
M50(Open Cluster in Monoceros), f=530mm, 102KB
M93(Open Cluster in Puppis), f=530mm, 92KB
NGC1647 & NGC1746(Open Clusters in Taurus), f=530mm, 102KB
NGC1807 & NGC1817(Open Clusters in Taurus), f=530mm, 86KB
NGC2112(Open Cluster in Orion), f=1000mm, 79KB
NGC2204(Open Cluster in Canis Major), f=710mm, 149KB
NGC2281(Open Cluster in Auriga), f=530mm, 95KB
NGC2301(Open Cluster in Monoceros), f=530mm, 143KB
NGC2353(Open Cluster in Monoceros), f=530mm, 148KB
Around NGC2354(Open Cluster in Canis Major), f=530mm, 98KB
NGC2362(Open Cluster in Canis Major), f=1600mm, 182KB
NGC2420(Open Cluster in Gemini), f=530mm, 105KB
NGC2451, NGC2477(Open Clusters in Puppis), f=530mm, 102KB
NGC2539(Open Cluster in Puppis), f=700mm, 199KB
The Hyades(Mel.25 in Taurus), f=300mm tele, 573KB

Globular Clusters
M79(Globular Cluster in Lepus), f=1278mm, 62KB
NGC1851(Globular Cluster in Columba), f=1600mm, 48KB
NGC2298(Globular Cluster in Puppis), f=1600mm, 75KB