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Lagoon Nebula M8 Deepsky in Summer
--Scenic spots in summer sky
196 images displayed, Last updated on Dec 11, 2024

We have comparatively many opportunities to go out to highlands and mountains in summer, and can appreciate clear and beautiful starlit skies occupied by summer constellations.
  You can see splendid the summer's Milky Way flowing toward the southern horizon, and enjoy uncountable nebulae and star clusters distributed along the Milky Way. Almost all of those objects can be observed only with small binoculars and telescopes, it's most suitable season for night sky-stroll.

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     .....Objects with this mark include pages of spectral profiles taken with a spectrometer.

Nebulae & Galaxies in Summer
To Preview of Inner-Galactic Nebulae
  Many splendid diffused and dark nebulae are bathed in the summer's Milky Way. And especially the field around Sagittarius and Scorpius contains the center of Galaxy, it's extraordinary rich in hydrogen gases.
  You can enjoy and be fascinated by some naked-eye objects like the Lagoon Nebula (M8), and invisible but unique-shaped H-alpha gases like the North-American Nebula (NGC7000).

To Sky map in Summer

  Nebulae & Galaxies ↓ Open Clusters ↓ Globular Clusters

M8, M20(Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 909KB
Wide field around Lagoon Nebula, f=245mm, 941KB
M16(Eagle Nebula in Serpens), f=530mm, 636KB (Consists of 2 images)
M17(Omega Nebula in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 622KB
Around M24(Star-cloud in Sagittarius), f=245mm, 978KB
M27(Dumb-bell Nebula, Vulpecula), f=1600mm, 179KB
M57(Ring Nebula in Lyra), f=1600mm, 76+449KB
NGC6210(Planetary Nebula in Hercules), f=1800mm, 40KB
NGC6302(Bug Nebula in Scorpius), f=1600mm, 683KB
NGC6309(Planetary Nebula in Ophiuchus), f=1400mm, 39KB
NGC6334, NGC6357(Diffused Nebulae in Scorpius), f=300mm, 654KB (Consists of 3 images)
Cat's eye Nebula(NGC6543 in Draco), f=1800mm, 23KB
NGC6572(Planetary Nebula in Ophiuchus), Digital Camera, 21KB
NGC6772(Planetary Nebula in Aquila), f=1600mm, 215KB
NGC6781(Planetary Nebula in Aquila), f=1600mm, 154KB
NGC6813(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=1600mm, 169KB
NGC6820(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=530mm, 713KB
Nebulosities around western Vulpecula, f=245mm, 803KB
Blinking Planetary(NGC6826 in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 40KB
Crescent Nebula(NGC6888 in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 657KB
NGC6894(Planetary Nebula in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 119KB
NGC6905(Blue Flash Nebula in Delphinus), f=1600mm, 159KB
Around NGC6914(Reflection Nebulae in Cygnus), f=530mm, 641KB
Veil Nebula(NGC6992-5 in Cygnus), f=530mm, 886+805+1024KB (Consists of 5 images)
North American Nebula(NGC7000 in Cygnus), f=200mm, 955+526+764KB (Consists of 3 images)
NGC7008(Planetary Nebula in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 122KB
NGC7027(Planetary Nebula in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 26KB
Around IC1283(Diffused Nebula in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 747KB
Around Abell45 & IC1287(Planetary & Reflection Nebulae in Scutum), f=530mm, 882KB
IC1295(Planetary Nebula in Scutum), f=1600mm, 240KB
IC1318(Diffused Nebula around Gamma Cygni), f=245mm, 852KB
IC4592(Reflection Nebula in Scorpius), f=210mm, 789KB
Around IC4628, H12(Diffused Nebula & Open Cluster in Scorpius), f=245mm, 1380KB
IC4701(Diffused Nebula in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 637KB
IC4812 & surrounding molecular cloud(Corona Australis), f=135mm, 657+494KB
Cocoon Nebula(IC5146 in Cygnus), f=1278mm, 814KB
Diffused Nebulae in Cygnus, f=80mm tele, 1106KB
Nebulae in northern region of Antares, f=324mm, 1077KB
Nebulosities around head of Scorpius, f=80mm, 732KB
Sh2-1, Sh2-7(Diffused Nebulae in Scorpius), f=324mm, 498KB
Sh2-3(Diffused Nebula in Scorpius), f=360mm, 975KB
Around Sh2-16(Diffused Nebulae in Sagittarius), f=360mm, 863KB
Sh2-22(Diffused Nebula in Sagittarius), f=300mm, 131KB
Vast Nebula around zeta Oph(Sh2-27), f=105mm, 1157KB
Around Sh2-24, Sh2-33(Diffused Nebulae in Serpens), f=105mm, 660KB
Sh2-46(Diffused Nebulae in Serpens), f=530mm, 659KB
Sh2-48, Sh2-50(Diffused Nebulae in Scutum), f=530mm, 698KB
Sh2-53(Diffused Nebula in Scutum), f=1600mm, 614KB
Sh2-54(Diffused Nebula in Serpens), f=324mm, 637KB
Sh2-59, Sh2-60(Diffused Nebulae in Scutum), f=200mm, 619KB
Around Sh2-62, Sh2-64(Diffused Nebulae in Serpens), f=530mm, 567KB
Around Sh2-66, Sh2-67, Sh2-69(Diffused Nebulae in Aquila), f=530mm, 785KB
Around Sh2-68(Planetary Nebula in Serpens), f=530mm, 463KB
Sh2-71(Planetary Nebula in Aquila), f=1600mm, 92KB
Sh2-72(Diffused Nebula in Aquila), f=530mm, 756KB
Sh2-73(Molecular Cloud in Hercules), f=245mm, 518KB
Sh2-74(Diffused Nebulae in Aquila), f=530mm, 648KB
Sh2-75, Sh2-76(Diffused Nebulae in Aquila), f=530mm, 650KB
Sh2-78(Planetary Nebula in Aquila), f=530mm, 737KB
Sh2-80(Planetary Nebula in Sagitta), f=1600mm, 189KB
Sh2-82(Diffused Nebula in Sagitta), f=1600mm, 172KB
Sh2-83(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=1600mm, 158KB
Sh2-85(Emission Nebula in Lyra), f=530mm, 935KB
Sh2-88(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=530mm, 830KB
Sh2-90(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=1600mm, 178KB
Sh2-93(Diffused Nebula in Vulpecula), f=1600mm, 181KB
Sh2-97(Diffused Nebula in Cygnus), f=530mm, 698KB
Around Sh2-98(Diffused Nebulae in Cygnus), f=530mm, 793KB
Diffused Nebula around eta Cyg(Sh2-101), f=530mm, 1157KB
Around Sh2-112, Sh2-115(Diffused Nebulae in Cygnus), f=530mm, 847KB
Sh2-116(Diffused Nebula in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 184KB
Sh2-113, Sh2-114(Diffused Nebulae in Cygnus), f=530mm, 911KB
Sh2-119(Diffused Nebula in Cygnus), f=210mm, 729KB
Sh2-120, Sh2-121(Diffused Nebulae in Cygnus), f=530mm, 633KB
vdB111(Reflection Nebula in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 724KB
vdB133(Reflection Nebula in Cygnus), f=530mm, 699KB
Snake Nebula(Dark Nebula in Ophiuchus), f=530mm, 768KB
LBN1117(Diffused Nebula in Scorpius), f=297mm, 1464KB
Celestial bodies around Galactic center, f=135mm, 1221KB
Around Pipe Nebula to Antares, f=80mm, 1187KB
Close-up of Pipe Nebula, f=135mm, 1021KB
Around B97(Dark Nebula in Scutum), f=530mm, 787KB
Around B268, B63(Dark Nebulae in southern Ophiuchus), f=135mm, 1215+727KB (Consists of 2 images)
Around Star Cloud in Scutum, f=200mm, 931KB
B142, B143(Dark Nebula in Aquila), f=420mm, 682KB
Around B292, B295(Dark Nebulae in Sagittarius), f=105mm, 546KB
Abell 39(Planetary Nebula in Hercules), f=1600mm, 163KB
Abell 53(Planetary Nebula in Aquila), f=1600mm, 101KB
Abell 74(Planetary Nebula in Vulpecula), f=530mm, 533KB
Molecular cloud around η Dra, f=135mm, 574KB

NGC5643(Galaxy in Lupus), f=1600mm, 46KB
NGC5792(Galaxy in Libra), f=1600mm, 138KB
NGC5921(Galaxy in Serpent), f=1600mm, 106KB
Seyfert's Sextet(Galaxy Group in Serpent), f=1600mm, 104KB
NGC6118(Galaxy in Serpent), f=1600mm, 137KB
NGC6140(Galaxy in Draco), f=1600mm, 136KB
NGC6240(Galaxy in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 102KB
Around NGC6269(Galaxies in Hercules), f=1600mm, 119KB
Around NGC6286(Arp293, Galaxies in Draco), f=1600mm, 142KB
NGC6384(Galaxy in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 125KB
NGC6503(Galaxy in Draco), f=1760mm, 61KB
NGC6670(Galaxies in Draco), f=1600mm, 143KB
NGC6702 & NGC6703(Galaxies in Lyra), f=1600mm, 160KB
NGC6745(Galaxy in Lyra), f=1600mm, 134KB
NGC6822(Barnard's Galaxy in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 721KB
NGC7013(Galaxy in Cygnus), f=1600mm, 53KB
Abell 2061(Galaxy cluster in Corona Borealis), f=2500mm, 85KB
Corona Cluster(Abell 2065), f=1600mm, 81KB
Abell 2147, 2152(Galaxy clusters in Hercules), f=530mm, 439KB
Hercules Cluster(Abell 2151), f=1600mm, 89KB
Abell 2162(Galaxy cluster in Corona Borealis), f=1600mm, 121KB
Abell 2197(Galaxy cluster in Hercules), f=1600mm, 119KB
Abell 2199(Galaxy cluster in Hercules), f=1600mm, 104KB
Abell 2256(Galaxy cluster in Ursa Minor), f=530mm, 87KB
UGC10214(Tadpole Galaxy in Draco), f=1600mm, 164KB
Draco Dwarf(Galaxy in Draco), f=530mm, 512KB
Arp101(Galaxies in Serpens), f=1760mm, 52KB
Arp102(Galaxies in Hercules), f=1600mm, 146KB
Arp254(Galaxies in Libra), f=1600mm, 110KB
Arp330(Galaxy chain in Draco), f=1600mm, 128KB
Hoag's Object(Peculiar Galaxy in Serpens), f=1600mm, 88KB

  To Other Seasons⇒  Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Open Clusters in Summer
To Preview of Open Clusters
  Almost all fixed stars are born from the inter-stellar gases in a group, and form the open clusters. You can see many open clusters in the summer's Milky Way.
  The Ptolemy's cluster (M7), is positioned in Scorpius is a huge and magnificent star cluster, one of few deepsky objects known before the telescope invented.

To Sky map in Summer

↑ Nebulae & Galaxies   Open Clusters ↓ Globular Clusters

M6 & M7(Open Clusters in Scorpius), f=155mm, 627KB
M11(Open Cluster in Scutum), f=1600mm, 668KB
M18(Open Cluster in Sagittarius), f=700mm, 181KB
M23(Open Cluster in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 69KB
M25(Open Cluster in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 81KB
M26(Open Cluster in Scutum), f=1600mm, 259KB
M29(Open Cluster in Cygnus), f=850mm, 464KB
M39(Open Cluster in Cygnus), f=850mm, 614KB
NGC6124(Open Clusters in Scorpius), f=530mm, 480KB
NGC6281(Open Cluster in Scorpius), f=530mm, 48KB
NGC6940(Open Cluster in Vulpecula), f=530mm, 87KB
IC4665(Open Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=200mm, 108KB
IC4756,NGC6633(Open Clusters in Serpens & Ophiuchus), f=200mm, 135KB
Cr359(Open Clusters in Ophiuchus), f=105mm, 160KB
Cr399(Open cluster in Vulpecula), f=530mm, 658KB

  To Other Seasons⇒  Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Globular Clusters in Summer
To Preview of Globular Clusters
  You can see really plenty of globular clusters in summer skies, more than 20 globulars have the Messier's numbers.
  The globular clusters have been born almost same time with the Galaxy itself, and distributed around the Halo region surrounding the central bulge of the Galaxy. You might be needed telescopes to observe almost all of those, several are enjoyed only with binoculars like the Hercules Cluster (M13), M22 in Sagittarius, and so on.

To Sky map in Summer

↑ Nebulae & Galaxies ↑ Open Clusters   Globular Clusters

M4(Globular Cluster in Scorpius), f=1600mm, 513KB (Consists of 2 images)
M5(Globular Cluster in Serpens), f=1278mm, 60KB
M9(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 50KB
M10(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 461KB
M12(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 523KB
M13(Globular Cluster in Hercules), f=1600mm, 368KB
M14(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 410KB
M19(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 174KB
M22(Globular Clusters in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 490KB (Consists of 2 images)
M28(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 523KB
M54, M69, M70(Globular Clusters in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 78KB
M55(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1000mm, 46KB
M56(Globular Cluster in Lyra), f=1600mm, 668KB
M62(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 198KB
M71(Globular cluster in Sagitta), f=1600mm, 76KB
M75(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1000mm, 55KB
M80(Globular Cluster in Scorpius), f=1600mm, 127KB
M92(Glabular Cluster in Hercules), f=1600mm, 101KB
M107(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 129KB
NGC5824(Globular Cluster in Lupus), f=1600mm, 67KB
NGC5897(Globular Cluster in Libra), f=1600mm, 84KB
NGC5986(Globular Cluster in Lupus), f=1600mm, 132KB
NGC6304(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 71KB
NGC6356(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 79KB
NGC6366(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 159KB
NGC6401(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 77KB
NGC6440(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 77KB
NGC6522, NGC6528(Globular Clusters in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 108KB
NGC6539(Globular Cluster in Serpens Cauda), f=1600mm, 110KB
NGC6553(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 96KB
NGC6638(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 66KB
NGC6642(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=1600mm, 73KB
NGC6712(Globular Cluster in Scutum), f=1600mm, 73KB
Around NGC6723(Globular Cluster in Sagittarius), f=530mm, 494+63KB (Consists of 2 images)
NGC6934(Globular Cluster in Delphinus), f=1600mm, 124KB
NGC7006(Globular Cluster in Delphinus), f=1600mm, 136KB
IC1257(Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus), f=1600mm, 136KB
IC1276(Globular Cluster in Serpens Cauda), f=1600mm, 125KB