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Copernicus Moon & Planets
--Expressions of Solar System
143 images displayed, Last updated on Oct 25, 2024

The Moon is the most familiar celestial object for us, the distance to it is about 380 thousand kilometers (237 thousand miles). We can easily observe plenty of crators, mountain ranges, and dark plains in the surface of Moon with light telescopes. And planets, ring of the Saturn, stripes of the Jupiter, wanning & waxing of the Venus, and so on, are the most suitable celestial objects for beginners.
You'll marvel the spectacle of lunar surface and various expressions of planets when you look through a telescope with your own naked eyes.
I picked up here some pictures of members of our solar system.

Moonage --Waxing & Waning of the Moon--
To Moonage Preview

  Moonage ↓ Lunar topography ↓ Sun & Planets

   Individual images have field angle of 37'×37' and are diplayed by turning lunar antarctic direction upward. The diagram of celestial compass have been indicated in upper right hand side.

Meanings of signs in individual images:
   P: Polar angle... The tilt-angle of lunar axis from the celestial north direction. The values have plus when the axis leans to the left and minus in right.
   B0, L0... These values indicate central lunar latitude & longitude respectively seen from obseving point on Earth.
   Bs, Ls... These values indicate central lunar latitude & longitude respectively seen from center of Sun.
   i: Phase angle... The elongation angle between Earth & Sun seen from center of Moon.
   k: Shone area ratio... The diameter ratio of shone part of Moon.

The Super-Moon in Sep 2014, 172+153KB

Moon Age 2.6, 158KB
Moon Age 3.2, 152KB
Moon Age 4.7, 171KB
Moon Age 5.8, 343KB
Moon Age 6.9 (first quarter of Moon), 325KB
Moon Age 7.3, 380KB
Moon Age 8.6, 366KB
Moon Age 9.8, 385KB
Moon Age 10.8, 426KB
Moon Age 11.7, 516KB
Moon Age 12.8, 572KB
Moon Age 14.1 (The full Moon), 755KB
Moon Age 15.0, 673KB
Moon Age 16.0, 643KB
Moon Age 16.8, 613KB
Moon Age 18.2, 557KB
Moon Age 19.2, 467KB
Moon Age 20.5, 449KB
Moon Age 21.4, 382KB
Moon Age 21.7 (last quarter of Moon), 275KB
Moon Age 23.3, 262KB
Moon Age 24.5, 185KB
Moon Age 26.1, 172KB
Moon Age 27.1, 177KB

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Guide for Lunar topography
To topography Preview

↑ Moonage   Lunar topography ↓ Sun & Planets

Around Iridum, SINUS, 66KB
Central region of Imbrium, MARE, 41KB
Around Aristarchus crater, 86KB
Around Procellarum, Ocean, 25KB
Around Grimaldi, 48KB
Around Humorum, MARE, 98KB
Around Gassendi, 58KB
Schickard & Schiller, 157KB
Clavius & Schiller, 62KB
Around Bailly, 111KB
Around Arctic area, 72KB
Plato & Alpes VALLIS, 43KB
Around Apenninus, MONTES, 65KB
Around Archimedes, 63KB
Apenninus, MONTES & Archimedes, 57KB
Copernicus & Apenninus, MONTES, 31KB
Around Copernicus to Aristarchus, 91KB
Around Copernicus crater, 147KB
Around Medii, SINUS, 60KB
Around central series of craters, 62KB
The Lunar X, 51KB
Around Bullialdus, 80KB
Around Recta, RUPES, 42KB
Clavius & Tycho, 161KB
Around Clavius Crater, 67KB
Around Antarctic area, 45KB
Southern Mountainous Region, 106KB
Around Jansen crater, 86KB
Around Serenitatis, MARE, 98KB
Around Tranquillitatis, MARE, 120KB
Around Ariadaeus, RIMA, 52KB
Around Nectaris, MARE, 113KB
Around Taurus, MONTES, 50KB
Around Frigoris, MARE, 85KB
Around Crisium, MARE, 90KB
Around Humboldt, 59KB
Around Fecunditatis, MARE, 86KB

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Sun & Planets
To Sun & Planets Preview

↑ Moonage ↑ Lunar topography   Sun & Planets

Sunspot Group #3780 in Aug 2024: Change of shape with White & Hα light, 871KB
Sunspot Group #2192 in Oct 2014: White-light images for 4 days, 125KB
Sunspot Group #2192 in Oct 2014: Change of the X-class flare for 3 hours, 169KB
Sunspot Group #2192 in Oct 2014: Change of shape with White & Hα light, 153KB
Change of Solar surface in Jun 2007, 93KB
Naked eye sunspots(2001/4/1), 29+14KB
The Sun, 18KB
The sunspot group, 23KB

Mercury Transit on Nov 9, 2006, total 52KB
Mercury, 35KB

Venus Transit on Jun 6, 2012(Review), 60KB
Venus Transit, movement of Venus (Jun 6, 2012), total 193KB
Venus Transit, 1st to 4th contacts (Jun 6, 2012), 103KB
Venus Transit with H-alpha (Jun 6, 2012), total 300KB
Comparison of White-light & H-alpha at 3rd to 4th contacts (Jun 6, 2012), 58KB
Aureole effect of the Venus (Jun 6, 2012), 54KB
Venus Transit on Jun 8, 2004, total 80KB
Change of Venus in 2007, 54KB
Venus just after inferior conjunction, 18KB
Venus in midday, 16KB

Mars images in season of 2020
Mars images in season of 2018
Mars images in season of 2016
Mars images in season of 2014
Mars images in season of 2010
Mars images in season of 2007-2008
Grand Return of Mars in 2003
Grand Return of Mars in 2001
Rotation of Mars, 25KB (Set of 3 images)

Jupiter images in season of 2024
Jupiter images in season of 2023
Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Sep 2023, 191KB
Jupiter images in season of 2022
Jupiter images in season of 2021
Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Jul to Aug 2021, 205+219KB
Jupiter images in season of 2020
Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Aug 2020, 89KB
Jupiter images in season of 2019
Jupiter images in season of 2018
Jupiter images in season of 2017
Jupiter images in season of 2016
Jupiter images in season of 2014-2015
Jupiter images in season of 2013-2014
Jupiter images in season of 2012
Jupiter images in season of 2011
Jupiter images in season of 2010
Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Aug 2010, 66KB
Jupiter images in season of 2009
Jupiter images in season of 2008
Jupiter images in season of 2007
Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Aug 2007, 64KB
Galilean Satellites & Jupiter, 8KB
Movements of Galilean Satellites (Animation), 63KB

Saturn images in season of 2024
Saturn images in season of 2023
Opposition surge of Saturn ring in 2023
Saturn images in season of 2022
Saturn images in season of 2021
Opposition surge of Saturn ring in 2021
Saturn images in season of 2020
Saturn images in season of 2019
Saturn images in season of 2018
Saturn images in season of 2015
Saturn in 1998, 30KB
The Saturn & Satellites, 22KB (Consists of 2 images)
Change of Saturn's ring (1995-2012), 74KB

Outer / Dwarf Planets
Uranus & Neptune, 17KB
Movement of Pluto, 41KB
Movement of dwarf planet "Eris", 171KB
Movement of dwarf planet "Makemake", 76KB
Movement of dwarf planet "Haumea", 92KB

Rendez-vous between planets
Approach of Jupiter & Mars (Early morning of Aug 11, 2024), 429KB
Great approach of Jupiter & Saturn in Dec 2020, 44+41KB
Great approach of Venus & Saturn (Jan 9, 2016), 44+23KB
Jupiter & Saturn in 2000, 28+17KB

Other images
Near-Earth Asteroid 1998WT24, 62KB
Near-Earth Asteroid 2012da14, 75KB