Around Fecunditatis, MARE

Date & Time: Aug 4 2012, 23:57, 23:58 JST(+0900), Record Time: 30sec. each
Mosaic of 2 flames
Optical: Kasai 20cm(7.9") Newtonian(NERO-200DX), afocal method with PanOptic 35mm eyepiece
Synthesized focal length f=2074mm (equivalent f=14824mm in 35mm film format)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Video Camera: Canon iVIS HF-M41
Location: Hitachi city, Ibaraki pref.

Camera Settings: Mode...FXP(24Mbps), Aperture Value Auto
Lens...f=61mm (equivalent f=436mm in 35mm film format), Stop: F3.0
300 flames stacked & wavelet processed with Registax6

This shot covers the Fecunditatis, MARE (Sea of Fecundity) in southeast of the moon. In south of the sea, there are large craters over 100km in diameters along the edge of moon. They has names of Petavius, Vendelius and Langrenus in order from south to north. You can detect that the Petavius has clear central peaks and a striking valley stretched from it to souothwest direction. It might be interested to compare individual structures of those craters. And you can see a tiny twin crater of Messier in the sea, west and east ones have been named Messier and Messier A (8km in diameter), respectively. It's characteristic feature that those craters have almost straight rays in west direction.

Index Map
INDEXNAMECrater's Diameter
AFecunditatis, MARE-
BNectaris, MARE-
CPyrenaei, MONTES-
DLand. point of LUNA 16 (Sep 21 '70) USSR
ELand. point of LUNA 20 (Feb 21 '72) USSR

Around Humboldt

SunspotGroup #2192 in Oct 2014:
White-light images for 4days

Copyright(c) 2012 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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