Cylindrical Map of Jupiter in Aug 2020

This cylindrical map has been made from Jupiter images in previous page, composed from those on Aug 1 and 2.
In this season the Jupiter's Southern Equatorial Band (SEB) seems thinner than the Northern Equatorial Band (NEB), and it's characteristics that the SEB has been divided in two bands in the longitude from 120 to 330 degrees. In addition, you can detect that the SEB is obviously curved around the Great Red Spot (GRS). In this period, a medium white spot of "Oval BA" was at just west of GRS and moving eastward (leftward in this image) slowly. It has been already observed that the Oval BA caught GRS up in the middle of this August.
In the NEB, we can recognize the complicated disturbances and the festoons, a structure seems dark nail, stretched to the Equatorial Zone (EZ) here and there.

Jupiter images in season of 2020

Jupiter images in season of 2019

Copyright(c) 2020 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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