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Orion Constellations
--Seasonal Asterisms
76 images displayed, Last updated on Dec 2, 2024

People had continued to gaze at stars through the ages, and imagined various objects, animals and people by connecting stars each other in the characteristic asterisms. These figures were linked with the ancient Greek mythology. The original forms of some constellations were created at that time.
 In the beginning of this century, astronomers put those constellations in order and established 88 constellations. The celestial sphere is strictly divided into areas of these constellations now.
 I've collected some pictures of major constellations visible at Japan in this album classified with suitable seasons to see each one.

The Database for 88 Constellations is available

This site has reproduced constellation charts into individual pages from a software for Astronomical Simulation, "StellaNavigator" with permission.
"StellaNavigator" is a Japanese commercial product released from AstroArts Inc.
StellaNavigator, Copyright © AstroArts Inc.

Constellations in Spring
To Sky map in Spring

  List in Spring ↓ List in Summer ↓ List in Autumn ↓ List in Winter

Great curve and triangle in spring, f=17mm wide-angle, 532KB
Diamond in spring, f=16mm fish-eye, 67KB

Leo (The Lion), f=24mm wide-angle, 448KB
Ursa Major (The Big Bear), f=17mm wide-angle, 571KB
The Big Dipper, f=35mm wide-angle, 395KB
Virgo (The Virgin), f=24mm wide-angle, 374KB
Bootes (The Herdsman), f=24mm wide-angle, 449KB
Cancer (The Crab), f=50mm standard, 479KB
Hydra, 2 images of f=24mm wide-angle, 792KB
Corvus (The Crow), f=50mm standard, 278KB
Crater (The Goblet), f=50mm standard, 399KB
Centaurus, f=24mm wide-angle, 268+372KB (Consists of 2 images)
Vela, Pyxis & Antlia(The Sail, Compass & Pump), f=24mm wide-angle, 38KB
Lynx (The Wild cat), f=24mm wide-angle, 480KB
Leo Minor (The Little Leo), f=50mm standard, 424KB
Canes Venatici (The Hound Dogs), f=50mm standard, 379KB
Coma Berenices (The hair of Berenice), f=50mm standard, 360KB
Sextans (The Sextant), f=50mm standard, 391KB
Crux (The Southern Cross), Digital camera, 53KB

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Constellations in Summer
To Sky map in Summer

↑ List in Spring   List in Summer ↓ List in Autumn ↓ List in Winter

Great triangle in summer, f=17mm wide-angle, 660KB

Scorpius (The Scorpion), f=35mm wide-angle, 543KB (Consists of 2 images)
Cygnus (The Swan), f=28mm wide-angle, 899KB
Sagittarius (The Archer), f=28mm wide-angle, 454KB
Lupus (The Wolf), f=35mm wide-angle, 251KB
Lyra (The Lyre), f=245mm, 807KB
Aquila (The Eagle), f=35mm wide-angle, 607KB
Hercules, f=24mm wide-angle, 496KB
Serpens & Ophiuchus, f=24mm wide-angle, 526KB
Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown), f=105mm tele, 540KB
Corona Austrina (The Southern Crown), f=80mm tele, 304KB
Scutum (The Shield), f=50mm standard, 491KB
Libra (The Balance), f=35mm wide-angle, 316KB
Delphinus (The Dolphin), f=85mm tele, 647KB
Sagitta (The Arrow), f=245mm, 746KB
Vulpecula (The Little Fox), f=50mm standard, 588KB
Draco (The Dragon), f=24mm wide-angle, 483KB
Ursa Minor (The Little Bear), f=50mm standard, 360KB

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Constellations in Autumn
To Sky map in Autumn

↑ List in Spring ↑ List in Summer   List in Autumn ↓ List in Winter

Andromeda, f=24mm wide-angle, 637KB
Pegasus, f=20mm wide-angle, 633KB
Triangulum (The Triangle), f=165mm tele, 458KB
Cassiopeia, f=35mm wide-angle, 923KB
Cepheus, f=35mm wide-angle, 651KB
Perseus, f=28mm wide-angle, 694KB
Cetus, f=24mm wide-angle, 446KB
Lacerta (The Lizard), f=50mm standard, 588KB
Capricornus (The Goat), f=35mm wide-angle, 419KB
Aquarius (The Water Bearer), f=24mm wide-angle, 526KB
Pisces (The Fishes), f=17mm wide-angle, 582KB
Aries (The Ram), f=35mm wide-angle, 472KB
Piscis Austrinus (The Southern Fish), f=85mm tele, 480KB
Sculptor (The Sculptor's Studio), f=35mm wide-angle, 233KB
Equuleus (The Little Horse), f=85mm tele, 493KB
Microscopium (The Microscope), f=85mm tele, 409KB
Grus (The Crane), f=50mm standard, 174KB
Phoenix, f=70mm tele, 189KB

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Constellations in Winter
To Sky map in Winter

↑ List in Spring ↑ List in Summer ↑ List in Autumn   List in Winter

Great triangle in winter, f=18mm wide-angle, 84KB
The winter's Diamond, f=16mm fish-eye, 76KB

Orion, f=28mm wide-angle, 679KB
Eridanus & Fornax (The Furnace), f=24mm wide-angle, 505KB
Canis Major (The Great Dog), f=24mm wide-angle, 589KB
Puppis (The Stern), f=28mm wide-angle, 405KB
Monoceros (The Unicorn), f=35mm wide-angle, 636KB
Taurus (The Bull), f=24mm wide-angle, 592KB
Auriga (The Charioteer), f=28mm wide-angle, 677KB
Canis Minor (The Little Dog), f=70mm tele, 57KB
Gemini (The Twins), f=35mm wide-angle, 484KB
Lepus (The Hare), f=35mm wide-angle, 485KB
Columba (The Dove), f=35mm wide-angle, 321KB
Caelum (The Chisel), f=35mm wide-angle, 292KB
Camelopardalis (The Giraffe), f=35mm wide-angle, 560KB