Constellation tour in Spring

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Date & Time: Jan 4 2022, from 27:51 to 28:21 JST(+0900)
Mosaic of 2 flames of 2min.×6shots
Optical: TAMRON 17-35mm Di OSD (f=24mm, stop: F4.0)
with Kenko Softon Clear & Starry Night filters
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial
Digital Camera: Canon EOS 6D (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(5472×3648)

Astroarts StellaNavigator
The Hydra is the largest constellation in the heavens. It occupies the southern sky in spring bordering Cancer, to as far as Libra and Centaurus, stretching out to around one hundred degrees in the process.
This hydra marks a gigantic beast with many heads. And Heracles killed the hydra by cutting off the all of head.
Alpha Hydrae, Alphard is very noticeable at the heart of hydra. The star is a bright red-giant, meaning of "Solitary". It came that there are no bright stars around Alphard. Besides, The star has an another name of "Col Hydrae" (The Hydra's Heart), a fitting name.

Guide for Deep Sky Objects

M48 .....Open cluster at the west-edge of Hydra, 3000 ly. away
M68 .....Globular cluster south of the square of Corvus, 37 thousand ly. away
M83 .....Bright Galaxy around the tail of Hydra, 15 million ly. away
Around NGC2708 .....Small galaxy group at 9.4deg. NW of αHya (Alphard), 80 million ly away
NGC2784 .....Lenticular galaxy near the boundary on Pyxis
NGC2835 .....Medium sized spiral galaxy near the boundary on Pyxis
NGC2992, NGC2993 .....Unique-shaped closing galactic pair 7deg. SE from Alphard
Around NGC3091 .....Principal members of compact group HCG42 lying at 5.3deg SSE of υ1 Hya
NGC3109 .....Large-sized spiral galaxy near a boundary on Antlia
NGC3200 .....Small galaxy at 2deg. SW of mu Hya.
Jupiter Nebula .....Planetary Nebula resembles with a planet of Jupiter in central region of Hydra
Hydra I Cluster .....A galaxy cluster in center of Hya consists of 50 members, 150 million ly away
NGC3585 .....Medium-sized lenticular galaxy at 4deg. south of beta Crt.
NGC3621 .....Large & dimmed spiral galaxy in central region.
NGC3717 .....Medium-scaled edge-on galaxy 1.5deg. north of xi Hya, 92 millions ly away
NGC3923 .....A peculiar shaped Lenticular in central region, 85 million ly away
NGC5078, NGC5101 .....Bared & edge-on galaxies paralleling at the tail
NGC5694 .....Small globular cluster in eastern edge, 105 thousand ly away
IC4351 .....Small edge-on galaxy in eastern edge region
UGCA150 .....Edge-on galaxy positioned 4.1deg. west from Alphard
Abell 754 .....Colliding galaxy cluster at 4.7deg. WSW of Alphard, 760 million ly away
HCG40 .....Small-scaled compact group near border to Sextans.
Sh2-313 .....Vast & indistinct reddish planetary nebula at 4.5deg. east of βCrv
Abell 34 .....5'-sized round planetary nebula at 6.3deg SE of Alphard
ESO378-1 .....Dimmed round planetary nebula, "Southern Owl Nebula" at 3deg. SW of xi Hya
ESO510-13 .....Small edge-on galaxy lying in eastern region
PK238+34.1 .....A dimmed round planetary with 4' in diameter in west region



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