The Great Orion Nebula M42 |
.....Splendid Nebula just under Orion's belt, 1300 ly. away |
M78 |
.....Small & bright Nebula 2.5 degree NNE of zeta Ori, 1600 ly. away |
Horse head Nebula |
.....Wide-spread Nebula just like a horse head south of zeta Ori, 1300 ly. away |
Great Orion Nebula to Horse Head Nebula |
.....Splendid diffused nebulae around the center of Orion |
Monkey Nebula |
.....Diffused Nebula near the boundary on Gemini, 3300 ly. away |
The Angel Fish |
.....Vast diffused Nebula with a diameter of 5 degree at Orion's head |
Orion Association |
.....Distribution of fine nebulae encircling the whole of Orion |
Nebulosity around southern Orion |
.....Distribution of fine nebulae around southern Orion to Eridanus |
Barnard's Loop(Sh2-276) |
.....Vast supernova remnant distributed in eastern region of Orion |
NGC1788 |
.....Dark & reflection nebula near a border to Eridanus |
NGC1973 |
.....An emission nebula just 1deg. north of Great Orion Nebula |
NGC1999 |
.....Small reflection nebula just 1 deg. SSE of M42, 1500 ly. away |
NGC2022 |
.....Small planetary nebula bathed in The Angel Fish |
NGC2112 |
.....Medium-sized open cluster bathed in the Barnard's Loop |
Around IC426 |
.....Several dimmed reflection nebulae around the Orion's belt |
IC2162 |
.....Compact reddish nebula just south of Monkey Nebula |
Sh-260, Sh2-262 |
.....Two paralleled emission nebulae at 6deg. west of γOri (Bellatrix) |
Sh-261 |
.....Medium-sized diffused nebula north of nu Ori |
Sh2-263, Sh2-265 |
.....Dimmed emission & reflection nebulae spread around 2deg. NW of gamma Ori |
Around Sh2-267 to Sh-271 |
.....Small nebulae & open cluster around ξOri at at the center of Orion's raised club |
Around Sh2-278 |
.....A diffused nebula 4deg. west of M42 & surrounding faint nebulosities |
vdB37 |
.....A medium-scaled reflection nebula 6deg. NW of rambda Ori |
vdB49 |
.....Small reflection nebula around ωOri at 5.2deg. SW of Betelgeuse |
vdB55 |
.....Small reflection nebula located 2 deg. northwest of κOri |
vdB62 |
.....A small reflection nebula 5 deg. NE of Altanik |
Abell 13 |
.....2'-sized reddish ringed planetary nebula positioned 4.2deg. SE of Betelgeuse |
PK197-6.1 |
.....Dimmed 15'-sized supernova remnant at 3.4deg. NNE of Betelgeuse |