Constellation tour in Spring
Virgo (The Virgin)

Click on image to enlarge

Date & Time: Feb 23 2020, from 25:38 to 26:13 JST(+0900)
Composed 8 shots with 5 minutes exposed
Optical: AF zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm (f=24mm, stop: F4.0)
with IDAS LPS-P2-FF Light-pollution suppression
& Kenko PRO Softon[A] filters
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera: Canon EOS 600D (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(5184×3456)

Astroarts StellaNavigator
The Virgo is the second largest constellation after Hydra. The constellation is very hard one to identify its shape because most of stars are fainter than third magnitude excepting Spica, alpha Virginis. And it's positioned far away from the milky way, so you can observe lots of galaxies over two thousand visible with medium-sized telescopes.
The name of Spica with white color has meaning of "ear of wheat" carried by the goddess, and has an another name of the pearl star in Japan.

Guide for Deep Sky Objects

M49 .....Large elliptical galaxy at southern edge of the Virgo Cluster, 41 million ly. away
M58 .....A bared galaxy just 6 deg west of epsilon Vir in the Virgo Cluster
M59 & M60 .....Paralleled two elliptic galaxies at the eastern edge of the Virgo Cluster
M61 .....Spiral Galaxy NW of gamma Vir, 41 million ly. away
M84 & M86 .....Two paralleled elliptics around center of Virgo Cluster
M87 .....A large elliptical galaxy in central region of Virgo Cluster, known as "Virgo A"
M89 .....Small elliptical galaxy 1 deg. east of M87, 41 million ly. away
M90 .....A spiral galaxy 40' north of M89, 41 million ly. away
Sombrero Nebula M104 .....Edge-on Galaxy near the boundary on Corvus, 65 million ly. away
NGC4030 .....A spiral galaxy belonging to Vir Cluster in 4deg. SE of beta Vir
Around NGC4045 & NGC4073 .....Two medium galaxies and surrounding tiny ones at 3deg. east of beta Vir.
NGC4123 & NGC4116 .....2 barred galaxies paralleling with an interval of 15 arc min. lying west region
NGC4216 .....An edge-on galaxy near the boundary on Coma Berenices
Around NGC4261 .....Small galaxies scattered outer edge of Virgo Cluster at 8deg. NE of βVir
NGC4365 .....An elliptic galaxy in southern region of Virgo Cluster
NGC4429 .....Medium-sized lenticular galaxy in southern Virgo Cluster
Around NGC4438 .....A warped Galaxy & surroundings in center of Virgo Cluster
Around NGC4442 .....Small galaxies in southern Virgo Cluster
NGC4517 .....An edge-on and its companeon galaxy 3deg. NW of gamma Vir
NGC4526, NGC4535 .....Medium-sized lenticular & spiral galaxies in SW region of Virgo cluster
NGC4527, NGC4536 .....Medium-scaled spiral galaxies arranged at 4.5 deg. NNW of gamma Vir.
NGC4567 & NGC4568 .....Small colliding galaxy pair in south of Virgo Cluster
NGC4592 .....Edge-on spiral galaxy at 1deg. NW of γVir, 38 million ly away
NGC4636 .....Elliptical galaxy with active nucleus at 6deg. north of γVir, 53 million ly away
Around NGC4654 .....Medium-sized galaxies in eastern Virgo Cluster
Around NGC4666 .....Spiral galaxies floating at 1.3deg. NE of γVir
NGC4697 & NGC4699 .....Two elliptic galaxies paralleling at the southern region of Virgo
NGC4731 .....S-shaped galaxy positioned in southern region
NGC4753 .....An irregular galaxy in center of Virgo, 55 millions ly away
NGC4754, NGC4762 .....Edge-on & bared galaxies paralleling in Virgo Cluster
NGC4818 .....Medium-sized barred galaxy in south of Virgo Cluster, 75 million ly away
NGC4866 .....Large but dimmed spiral in northern edge of Virgo
NGC4939 .....Spiral galaxy with arms loosely wound in 5deg. west from Spica
Around NGC4958 .....Small-scaled galaxy group lying central region
NGC5018, NGC5022 .....Small spiral galaxies paralleling at 9 deg. south of Spica
NGC5044 Group .....Small-scaled galactic group in southern region of Spica
NGC5068 .....Medium-scaled spiral galaxy in southern edge, 22 million ly away
NGC5084 .....An edge-on Galaxy in SE edge, 80 million ly away
NGC5170 .....An edge-on galaxy in 7deg. south of Spica, 96 millions ly away
Around NGC5221 .....Three small galaxies positioned near Bootes & Canes Venatici
NGC5247 .....A spiral galaxy in 8deg. SSE of Spica, 72 millions ly away
NGC5363, NGC5364 .....Elliptic and proportioned spiral around borders of Hydra and Bootes
NGC5426, NGC5427 .....A coliding galactic pair in eastern region of Virgo
NGC5566 .....Interacting galaxy with companions, 80 million ly away
Around NGC5576 .....Three small galaxies positioned in eastern region
Around NGC5746 .....A pair of edge-on & spiral galaxies in east edge of Virgo
Around NGC5846 .....Small galaxy group in east edge of Virgo, 85 million ly away
IC1101 .....One of the largest galaxies occupying center of cluster Abell2029 at eastern edge of constellation
IC2974 .....Minor edge-on galaxy at 7deg south of β Vir
The Virgo Cluster .....Vast group of galaxies spreading between Vir & Com, 40 to 50 million ly. away
The Markarian's chain .....Gentle curve consists of several galaxies in the Virgo cluster
Arp 248 .....Small interacting galaxy pair in SW region of Virgo
Abell 36 .....Medium and dimmed planetary nebula at around a boundary between Virgo and Hydra.
Quasar 3C273 .....The brightest quasar around NW of gamma Vir, about 2.5 billion ly. away

The Big Dipper


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