Constellation tour in Autumn

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Date & Time: Nov 13 2020, from 20:41 to 21:18 JST(+0900)
Composed 10 shots with 4 minutes exposed
Optical: TAMRON 17-35mm Di OSD (f=35mm, stop: F4.0)
with IDAS LPS-P2-FF & Kenko Softon Clear filters
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera: Canon EOS 550D (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(5184×3456)

Astroarts StellaNavigator
Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, the Ethiopian king, and the mother of Andromeda. The asterism clearly shows the chair upon which Cassiopeia sits. It looks like a shape of "W", and is a guide to find out the Polar Star like the Big Dipper. Japanese had given the asterism names of "The stars of Anchor" or "The stars of shape of mountains", and so on.
The constellation is bathed in the faint autumn's Milky Way, so includes various nebulae and star clusters.

Guide for Deep Sky Objects

M52 etc. .....Open Cluster near the border to Cepheus, and neighbored Nebulae
Nebulosities around Cassiopeia & Cepheus .....Distribution of dimmed nebulae around border to Cepheus
M103 .....Open Cluster 1deg ENE of δCas., 3740 ly. away
NGC129 .....A sparse open cluster at central region
NGC147 .....A dimmed elliptical galaxy in 7.5 deg. north of M31, 2.4 million ly. away
NGC185 .....Small elliptic galaxy near a boundary on Andromeda
NGC225 .....Sparse open cluster 2deg. NW of γCas.
NGC281 .....Diffused Nebula 2deg. east of αCassiopeiae
NGC457 .....Open Cluster 4 degrees SW ofγCassiopeiae
Around NGC663 & M103 .....Several open clusters around between δ & εCas.
Bubble Nebula(NGC7635) .....Small diffused nebula with a round structure just SW of M52
NGC7789 .....Beautiful Open Cluster 3 degrees SW of βCas, 13 thousand ly. away
Around NGC7790 .....Medium clusters NGC7788 & 7790 2.5deg NW of βCas
IC10 .....Small irregular galaxy 1.5deg. east of βCas, 2.69 millions ly away
IC1805(Heart Nebula) .....Vast reddish nebula with 1 deg. diameter at the border to Perseus
IC1848(Embryo Nebula) .....Diffused nebula paralleled with IC1805
IC59, IC63 .....Faint reflection nebulae around γCas.
Sh2-151 .....Dim & small Hα nebula at the westernmost region, 19 thousansand ly away
Sh2-157 .....Anomalopus shaped diffused nebula on boundary of Cepheus
Around Sh2-163 .....Dimmed and compact H-α nebulae distributed between βCas & M52
Sh2-173 .....Dimmed & round diffused nebula at 3deg. NE of βCas.
Around Sh2-176 .....Dimmed planetary nebula in 1.5 deg NW of αCas
Sh2-181, Sh2-182 .....Faint Hα emission and reflection nebula located 4.5deg. north of γCas
Sh2-188 .....Arc-shaped supernova remnant 3deg. south of δCas.
Sh2-202 .....Extraordinary indistinct diffused nebula spread on border to Cameropardalis
vdB1 .....Small reflection nebula at 26' SE of βCas (Caph)
vdB8 .....Small & elongated reflection nebula at 7deg. NE of ε Cas
Around vdB9 .....Reflection & dark nebulae at 8deg. NE of εCas
Around PK136+5.1, Abell 6 .....Two faint planetary nebulae at 3deg. north of IC1805 & IC1848
PK138+4.1(Sh2-200) .....6'-sized faint round planetary nebula at eastern edge, nicknamed "Bear claw nebula"
Maffei I & II .....Close dimmed galaxies in NE of Double Clusters
Abell84 .....Incomplete circular planetary nebula at 8.3deg. SSW of βCas
Abell85 .....Dimmed ring-shaped supernova remnant 3deg. NNW of βCas
Around Sivan 2 .....Approx. 5deg.-sized dimmed & vast nebula at SW region



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