Copernicus & Apenninus, MONTES

Date & Time: Jan 13 1996, 28:20 JST(+0900)
Composed 2 images (5sec. & 4sec. exposured)
Optical: TAKAHASHI 13cm(5.1") Newtonian + Or.6mm eyepiece (f=12700mm, F98.0)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Camera: MINOLTA SRT-101
Film: AGFAcolor XRG 100
Location: Kofu city, Yamanashi pref.

A mountain range of Apenninus, MONTES has stretched around north east of the crater of Copernicus. The Earth-side of Moon has several large-scaled mountain ranges surrounded flat lunar seas. They have names of principal ranges of the Earth like Alps, Caucasus, Pyrenaei, and so on, in addition to this range.
This picture shows you that the sun has already set at the foot of range, peaks of the mountain are being shined with the setting sun.

Index Map
INDEXNAMECrater's Diameter
AApenninum, MONTES-
BImbrium, MARE-
CCarpathus, MONTES-
DAestuum, SIMUS-

Apenninus, MONTES & Archimedes

Around Copernicus to Aristarchus

Copyright(c) 1997 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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