Deep Sky Object in Summer
NGC6781 (Planetary Nebula in Aquila)

Date & Time: May 3 2019, from 26:25 to 27:20 JST(+0900)
Composed 10 shots with 6 minutes exposed
Optical: Meade 25cm(10") Schmidt-Cassegrain with conversion lens (f=1600mm, F6.3)
with BaaderPlanetarium Moon&Skyglow filter
Auto-guided with Meade LX200 Equatorial & Lacerta M-GEN
Digital Camera: Canon EOS 6D (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(1528×1528)
Device Size...10×10mm, Sensitivity...ISO4000

NGC6781 / Planetary Nebula, type IIIb+III
R.A.19h 18m 23.9s (2000.0)
Dec.+06° 33' 00" (2000.0)
Apparent Size1.8'
Real SizeN/A
Around center of Aquila, a large planetary nebula of NGC6781 is positioned about 3.8 degrees northwest from delta Aquilae. There are many planetary nebulae in field of Milky Way of the constellation of Aquila, above all NGC6781 is one of the largest one with a diameter of 1.8 arc minutes and easy to appreciate. The nebula has a round shape but your naked eyes cannot detect its color. This picture captured with a digital still camera shows you that the nebula has a reddish outline and bluish green color radiated from oxygen ion in its body.



Copyright(c) 2019 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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