This image has captured a star field around large sized open clusters of M6 and M7 in tail of Scorpius and its northern region with span of about 9×11 degrees.
The galactic equator is passing the image from upper left to lower right, reddish H-alpha regions are distributed along it.
Two striking emission nebulae of NGC6357 and NGC6334 (The cat's paw nebula) have been positioned in lower right hand side of image.
In Sagittarius region near boundaries on Scorpius and Ophiuchus, you can detect a compact reddish emission nebula of Sh2-16.
The Galactic center, galactic longitude zero, is at about 30 arc minutes northwest of the nebula.
The X-ray object of "Sagittarius A" has been discovered in here, it's considered that the object contains a vast black-hole.