Deep Sky Object in Winter
Around Sh2-304 (Diffused Nebula in Canis Major)

Click on image to enlarge

Date & Time: Dec 28 2024, from 25:12 to 27:08 JST(+0900)
Composed 24 shots with 5 minutes exposed
Optical: BORG 60ED with a conversion lens (f=245mm, F4.3)
with IDAS LPS-V4 Light-pollution suppression filter
Auto-guided with VIXEN ATLUX Equatorial
Digital Camera: Canon EOS 6D (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(5472×3648)
Device Size...36×24mm, Sensitivity...ISO3200

Sh2-304 / Diffused Nebula, type 5 E
R.A.06h 43m 30.0s (2000.0)
Dec.-24°07' 00" (2000.0)
Apparent Size180.0×30.0'
Real Size200×30 light yrs.
Magnitude -
Distance3800 light yrs.
Other IDsLBN 1049
This image captures a wide field of 8.4×5.6 degrees, showcasing the Hα nebula Sh2-304, which spans the central region of the constellation Canis Major. Although Sh2-304 is extremely faint, it extends nearly 3 degrees in the north-south direction. Alongside Sh2-303, visible in the upper left corner of the image, the nebula is part of an interstellar gas region ionized by the light from the Wolf-Rayet star (WR6) at the center of the "Milk Pot Nebula" (Sh2-308), located on the left side of the frame. The estimated distance to Sh2-304 varies significantly across studies, with an average of about 3800 light-years. The nebulae visible in this image, as well as the broader interstellar gas, are associated with the "Canis Major OB2 Association", a stellar group in the region.

Objects around Sh2-304 Objects around Sh2-304



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