Deep Sky Object in Winter
G206.9+2.3 & LBN 947
(Supernova Remnant & Diffused Nebula in Monoceros)
Click on image to enlarge
Supernova Remnant G206.9+2.3
Date & Time: | Feb 22 2025, from 20:28 to 23:29 JST(+0900) |
| Composed 18 shots with 10 minutes exposed |
Optical: | TAKAHASHI 16cm(6.3") epsilon (f=530mm, F3.3) |
| with SIGHTRON Quad BP III filter |
| Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial+SBIG STV |
CMOS Camera: | ZWO ASI2600MC Pro (Cooled temp.: -30°C) |
Location: | Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref. |
Camera Settings: | Recording format...16bit FITS, converted to 16bit TIFF(6248×4176) |
| Device Size...23.5×15.7mm, Gain...100 |
Click on image to enlarge
Wide-field image of LBN 947 & G206.9+2.3
Date & Time: | Feb 21 2025, from 22:03 to 25:15 JST(+0900) |
| Composed 12 shots with 12 minutes exposed |
Optical: | BORG 67FL with a conversion lens (f=324mm, F4.8) |
| with SIGHTRON Quad BP III filter |
| Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial & SBIG STV |
CMOS Camera: | ZWO ASI2600MC Pro (Cooled temp.: -25°C) |
Location: | Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref. |
Camera Settings: | Recording format...16bit FITS, converted to 16bit TIFF(6248×4176) |
| Device Size...23.5×15.7mm, Gain...300 |
G206.9+2.3 / Supernova Remnant |
R.A. | 06h 49m 00.0s (2000.0) |
Dec. | +06°20' 00" (2000.0) |
Apparent Size | 42×48' |
Real Size | 88×100 light yrs. |
Magnitude | - |
Distance | 7200 light yrs. |
Other IDs | - |
LBN 947 / Diffused Nebula, type 4 E |
R.A. | 06h 45m 00.0s (2000.0) |
Dec. | +06°36' 00" (2000.0) |
Apparent Size | 10.0×60.0' |
Real Size | N/A |
Magnitude | - |
Distance | N/A |
Other IDs | - |
The first image in this page captures a region approximately 4 degrees ENE of the Rosette Nebula in the constellation Monoceros.
Within this area lies the filamentary supernova remnant G206.9+2.3. It spans nearly 50 arcminutes but is extremely faint, making it a rarely photographed object.
The remnant exhibits a complex interweaving of greenish OIII emissions and reddish Hα emissions, with an elongated north-south outline resembling a trilobite fossil.
According to recent studies, its estimated distance is about 7200 light-years, placing it slightly farther than the surrounding Hƒ¿ regions including the Rosette Nebula.
The greenish filamentary structures are believed to be shock fronts resulting from the supernova explosion, extending up to 100 light-years in the north-south direction.
Based on the expansion velocity of the shock front, the explosion is estimated to have occurred approximately 64,000 years ago.
The second image captures LBN 947, an Hα nebula located 1 degree west of G206.9+2.3.
The faint nebula extends toward the southwest outside the field of view, connecting to the Rosette Nebula.
LBN 947 spans more than 1 degree in the north-south direction, and its central region contains the dark nebula LDN 1631 along with a complex structure of molecular clouds.