Deep Sky Object in Spring
NGC2997 (Galaxy in Antlia)

Date & Time: Jan 22 2010, from 25:15 to 25:55 JST(+0900)
Composed 6 shots with 8 minutes exposed
Optical: Meade 25cm(10") Schmidt Cassegrain with a conversion lens (f=1760mm, F7.1)
Auto-guided with Meade LX200 Equatorial & Pictor 201XT
Digital Camera: Nikon D50 (Remodeled)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...12bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(3008×2000)
CCD Sensitivity...ISO1600

NGC2997 / Galaxy, type SAB(rs)c I-II
R.A.09h 45m 39.0s (2000.0)
Dec.-31° 11' 23" (2000.0)
Apparent Size9.2×7.4'
Radial Velocity+1090km/s
Distance45 million light yrs.
Group of GalaxiesNGC2997 Group
Other IDsUGCA 181, ESO 434-35
MCG -5-23-12, PGC 27978
This image shows you a medium scaled face-on galaxy in western part of a minor constellation of Antlia in lower south skies in spring night. NGC2997 has a size of about 10 arc minutes and we can appreciate clear and well-proportioned spiral structures. Although it might be difficult to observe the galaxy at Japan because of its lower meridian latitude, this image can show us several H-alpha regions along its arms. It's estimated that the galaxy is about 45 millions light years away.

NGC2992 & NGC2993

Around NGC3020

Copyright(c) 2010 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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