Deep Sky Object in Spring
UGC5829 (Galaxy in Leo Minor)

Date & Time: Dec 28 2024, from 23:59 to 24:54 JST(+0900)
Composed 10 shots with 6 minutes exposed
Optical: Meade 25cm(10") Schmidt-Cassegrain with conversion lens (f=1600mm, F6.3)
with IDAS LPS-P1 Light-pollution suppression filter
Auto-guided with Meade LX200 Equatorial & Lacerta M-GEN
Digital Camera: Nikon D810A
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(2040×2040)
Device Size...10×10mm
Sensitivity...ISO4000, White Balance...Daylight

UGC5829 / Galaxy, type Dwarf Irr
R.A.10h 42m 42.3s (2000.0)
Dec.+34°27' 11" (2000.0)
Apparent Size4.7×4.2'
Radial Velocity+599km/s
Group of Galaxies -
Other IDsCGCG 184-6, MCG +6-24-6
PGC 31923
UGC 5829 is a dwarf irregular galaxy located 2.2 degrees west of 46 LMi, the easternmost star that forms the constellation Leo Minor. It has a size of just under 5 arcminutes and a brightness of 13th magnitude. This photograph reveals the presence of interstellar gas compositions within the galaxy, but it is quite challenging to observe visually.

UGC4305(Holmberg II)


Copyright(c) 2025 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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