Deep Sky Object in Spring
NGC5371 & HCG68 (Galaxy and Compact Group in Canes Venatici)

Click on image to enlarge

Date & Time: Jan 31 2020, from 27:15 to 28:09 JST(+0900)
Composed 10 shots with 6 minutes exposed
Optical: Meade 25cm(10") Schmidt-Cassegrain with conversion lens (f=1600mm, F6.3)
with BaaderPlanetarium Moon&Skyglow filter
Auto-guided with Meade LX200 Equatorial & Lacerta M-GEN
Digital Camera: Nikon D810A
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...14bit CCD-RAW, converted to 16bit TIFF(4080×4080)
Device Size...20×20mm
Sensitivity...ISO4000, White Balance...Daylight

NGC5371 / Galaxy, type SAB(rs)bc I
R.A.13h 55m 40.5s (2000.0)
Dec.+40° 27' 44" (2000.0)
Apparent Size4.3×3.4'
Radial Velocity+2575km/s
Distance132 million lighy trs.
Group of GalaxiesNGC5371 Group
Other IDsNGC5390, UGC8846
MCG7-29-20, PGC49514
NGC5371 is a small spiral in eastern edge of the constellation of Canes Venatici. The galaxy has a size of about 4 arc minutes and a brightness of about 11.4th magnitude, and this image shows you dimmed arms.
You can detect compact five galaxies about 30 arc minutes southwest from NGC5371. They are members of a small scaled galactic group of Hickson's compact group 68, rather larger three from A to C have sizes of about 3 arc minutes or so and visual brightnesses of about 11th magnitude.

Magnified image of HCG68
Member galaxies of HCG68
HCG #IDSizeMagnitudetype
HCG68ANGC53533.3×1.8'11.1S0 sp
HCG68BNGC53542.8×2.2'11.3S0 sp


Around NGC5389

Copyright(c) 2020 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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