The Mock Moon

Date & Time: Apr 28 2002, 23:03 JST(+0900), 25sec. Exp.
Optical: f=6.2mm F3.2 (Equivalent f=28mm in 35mm film format)
Digital Camera: CASIO QV-2800UX
Location: Ooizumi vil., Yamanashi pref.

Canera Settings: Mode...1600×1200 FINE
CCD Sensitivity...ISO320, White Balance...Auto

As the same case with the Parhelia in previous page, we can sometimes observe fake Moons in both sides of real Moon, "The Moon dogs" or "The mockmoon". But their lights are weak and dimmed, usually we can detect only lumps of light hardly recognize colors.

The Parhelia

The Full Moon & Corona

Copyright(c) 2003 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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