Principle of Parhelia by ice crystals
When ice crystals are distributed on some condition in the sky, you can observe the lumps of light like the two suns in both sides of real sun.
This photograph shows you one fake appeared on the left of real sun sinking in the western sky, the magical phenomenon is called "Parhelia" or "Sun dogs".
It's the hexagonal horizontal-plate ice crystals distributed in the sky that shows us the Parhelia.
In case that ice crystals are distributing at random, the refracted light of 22 degrees by the solar light forms the "22 degrees halo".
But when crystal distributed being their bottom plate paralleling to the ground is predominant,
only refracted solar light on the right and left of the sun 22 degrees apart reaches observer.
These refracted lights are detected as the Parhelia. It sometimes seems that some colors are separated like a rainbow.
Other images of Parhelia