Deep Sky Object in Spring
Centaurus Cluster (Abell 3526)

Click on image to enlarge

Date & Time: Feb 21 2025, from 25:16 to 26:31 JST(+0900)
Composed 10 shots with 8 minutes exposed
Optical: BORG 67FL with a conversion lens (f=324mm, F4.8)
with IDAS LPS-D1 light-pollution suppression filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial & SBIG STV
CMOS Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro (Cooled temp.: -25°C)
Location: Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

Camera Settings: Recording format...16bit FITS, converted to 16bit TIFF(6248×4176)
Device Size...23.5×15.7mm, Gain...100

Abell 3526 / Galaxy Cluster, type 0 0 I-II:
R.A.12h 49m (Rough position)
Dec.-41°18' (Rough position)
Apparent Size180'
# of galaxies33
Red Shift0.0102
Distance155 million light yrs.
Galactic superclusterCentaurus supercluster
NGC4696 / Galaxy, type E+1 pec
R.A.12h 48m 49.2s (2000.0)
Dec.-41°18' 40" (2000.0)
Apparent Size4.5×3.2'
Radial Velocity+2958km/s
Distance145 million light yrs.
Group of GalaxiesAbell 3526
Other IDsESO 322-91, MCG -7-26-51
PGC 43296
This image shows a large galaxy cluster located about 8 degrees north of γ Centauri. Floating at a distance of approximately 150 million light-years, it contains more than 30 galaxies distributed within a span of about 3 degrees. This galaxy cluster forms the core of the "Centaurus Supercluster", which is the closest supercluster to the "Virgo Supercluster", which includes the Local Group and the Virgo Cluster.
The most prominent galaxy in the cluster is NGC4696, a giant elliptical galaxy over 4 arcminutes in size, visible near the center. Observations of the local motions of individual galaxies within the cluster indicate that Abell 3526 consists of a main subgroup centered around NGC4696 and another subgroup, including NGC4709 located just to the east. These subgroups are expected to eventually merge into a single galaxy cluster.
This image has been cropped with equivalent focal length 400mm.

Numbers with 4 digits represent NGC #

Abell 1367

Shapley8 (Abell 3558)

Copyright(c) 2025 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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