Lunar Eclipse, movement of Moon (Oct 8, 2014)

Date & Time: Oct 8 2014, 18:20, 18:39, 19:10, 19:19, 19:55, 20:30, 20:40, 21:02, 21:25 JST(+0900)
Composed 9shots, 1/640 to 5sec. exposed each
Optical: VIXEN 20cm(7.9") VISAC (f=1800mm, F9.0)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera: Nikon D700
Location: Tokai vil., Ibaraki pref.

Camera Settings: Recording Format...JPEG-FINE(4256×2832)
Device Size...FX format (36×24mm)
Sensitivity...ISO800, White Balance...Daylight

This image has been created by composing 9 shots of total lunar eclipse on Oct 8, 2014, aligned each position of taken times. The Moon moved from lower right to upper left, indicating the movement of Moon relative to the Umbra of the Earth shown as a broken circle. Maybe you can understand that the shadow edge of eclipsed Moon is indicating an outline of the Umbra from the image.

Continuous composed image of Total Lunar Eclipse

Eclipsed Moon & Uranus

Copyright(c) 2014 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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