Release-Note for uploaded image

The Dawn Moon & Venus
Released date: Jan 5, 2021
Brief Description
In lower southest dawn skies, the 27.7th aged dawn moon wuth the Earthshine appeared beyond a tree.
In that day, the dawn Venus was glittering at only 50 arc minutes west of the moon.
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Dec 12 2020, 29:51 JST(+0900), 2sec × 2shots composed
Optical... TAKAHASHI 12.5cm(4.9") Fluorite refractor (f=1000mm, F8.0)
Auto-guided with VIXEN ATLUX Equatorial
Digital Camera... Nikon D810A
(ISO1600, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW)
Location... Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

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