Release-Note for uploaded image
Milky Way in Sagittarius to Scorpius

HD (1365×768).....337KB (file name: wp66x.jpg)
Full-HD (1920×1080).....752KB (file name: wp66f.jpg)

Released date: Jun 26, 2016

Brief Description   This image is a wide-field mosaic of Milky Way from Sagittarius to Scorpius risen up from the southern horizon. At the time this image captured, the approached Mars and Saturn had been glittering in west of Scorpius and southern Ophiuchus, respectively.

Photography Condition
Date & Time... Jun 3 2016, from 23:32 to 24:31 JST(+0900)
   4 shots composed with 4min. exposed
   Mosaic of 4 flames
Optical... SIGMA 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM (f=35mm, stop: F2.5)
   with Astronomik CLS-CCD filter
   Auto-guided with EYEBELL CD-1 portable Equatorial
Digital Camera... Canon EOS 550D (Remodeled)
  (ISO1600, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW)
Location... Furudono town, Fukushima pref.

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