Release-Note for uploaded image

Comets graced the year of 2013
Released date: Jan 3, 2014
Brief Description
Three naked-eye comets observed in 2013 have paralleled,
Comet PanStarrs (C/2011L4), ISON (C/2012S1), and Lovejoy (C/2013R1) from left to right.
In particular the comet ISON was expected to be a great comet in Dec 2013, but unfortunately collapsed and disapeared in passage of the perihelion.
Photography Condition
(Comet PanStarrs)
Date & Time... May 16 2013, from 18:54 to 18:55 JST(+0900), composed 6shots with 8sec. exposed
Optical... TAKAHASHI 16cm(6.3") epsilon (f=530mm, F3.3)
with IDAS LPS-P2-FF light-pollution suppression Filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... Canon EOS 600D (ERemodeled)
(ISO1600, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW format)
Location... Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.
(Comet ISON)
Date & Time... Nov 13 2013, from 28:15 to 28:38 JST(+0900), composed 12shots with 2min. exposed
Optical... VIXEN 20cm(7.9") VISAC + reducer (f=1278mm, F6.4)
with BaaderPlanetarium Moon&Skyglow Filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... Canon EOS 600D (ERemodeled)
(ISO3200, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW format)
Location... Kujihama, Hitachi city, Ibaraki pref.
(Comet Lovejoy)
Date & Time... Dec 7 2013, from 28:34 to 29:09 JST(+0900), composed 12shots with 3min. exposed
Optical... TAKAHASHI 16cm(6.3") epsilon (f=530mm, F3.3)
with IDAS LPS-P2-FF light-pollution suppression Filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... Canon EOS 550D (ERemodeled)
(ISO1600, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW format)
Location... Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

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