Release-Note for uploaded image

Annular Solar Eclipse 2012
Released date: Jan 3, 2014
Brief Description
This composed image shows the progress of Annular Solar Eclipse observed on May 21, 2012.
The upper and lower rows indicate before and after annular eclipse lined up with time course from left to right, respectively.
The central row shows the progress for about 10 minutes in front and behind of the maximum eclipse, lined up representing the diurnal mortion of the sun.
(All photos have been displayed by turning celestial north direction upward)
Photography Condition
Date & Time... May 21 2012, from 06:25 to 09:00 JST(+0900), 1/400 to 1/25sec. exposed each
Optical... PENTAX 7.5cm(2.9") ED refractor + Televue PowerMate2.5X (f=1250mm, F16.7)
with BaaderPlanetarium Astro Solar Filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... Nikon D700
(ISO400, recorded in JPEG-FINE format)
Location... Kujihama, Hitachi city, Ibaraki pref.

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