Release-Note for uploaded image
Leonids 2001 (2)
Released date: Apr 21, 2002
Brief Description
The Leonid meteors around the constellation of Leo.
Many meteors can be seen appeared from a radiant point of Leonids positioned in center of image.
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Nov 18 2001, from 25:50 to 28:00 JST(+0900), composed 16shots with 10min. exposed
Optical... SMC TAKUMAR f=105mm F2.4, Aperture: F2.4
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Camera... PENTAX 67
Film... Kodak Ektachrome E100S (+3EV pushed)
Location... Ooizumi vil., Yamanashi pref.

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