Release-Note for uploaded image
Planets and Moon in dawn sky
Released date: Aug 14, 2001
Brief Description
In July 2001, four planets of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn gathered in the eastern dawn sky.
And this picture has captured the dawn Moon in upper right hand side of these planets.
The Venus and Saturn are paralleling near the Hyades in the constellation of Taurus.
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Jul 15 2001, 27:22 JST(+0900), 1min. exposed
Optical... SMC TAKUMAR f=55mm F3.5, stop: F4.8
Fixed on tripod
Camera... PENTAX 67
Film... Fujichrome PROVIA 400F
Location... Subashiri halfway up Mt. Fuji, Shizuoka pref.

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