Release-Note for uploaded image
Milky Way in autumn
Released date: Jan 18, 2014
Brief Description
This Fish-eye view shows you a flow of Milky Way in autumn from west to northern skies.
The Milky Way is crossing night skies from sinking Cygnus in west, via Cepheus and Cassiopeia, to Perseus and Auriga rising from northeast skies.
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Oct 31 2011, from 21:37 to 22:15 JST(+0900), 5 shots composed with 3min.(GB image),
8min.(R image) exposed, RGB composed of 2 images
Optical... SIGMA 15mm EX Fish-eye, F3.2
with Lee No.1 soft filter(GB image), R64 filter(R image)
Auto-guided with EYEBELL CD-1 portable Equatorial
Digital Camera... Nikon D700 (FX format)
(GB image...ISO800, R image...ISO6400, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW)
Location... Hitachi-oota city, Ibaraki pref.

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