Release-Note for uploaded image
Jupiter & Saturn in 2000
Released date: Sep 23, 2000
Brief Description
In autumn of 2000, Jupiter and Saturn were glittering at Taurus together,
and those were squeezed between the Pleiades and the Hyades.
This image has been edited by putting planets images on a star-field image.
Photography Condition
(wide angled image)
Date & Time... Sep 2 2000, 25:24 JST(+0900), 25min. exposed
Optical... SMC PENTAX f=165mm F2.8, stop: F4.0
Auto-guided with Kenko SKYMEMO Equatorial
Camera... PENTAX 67
Film... Kodak Ektachrome E200 (+1EV pushed)
Location... Koumi town, Nagano pref.
(Jupiter image)
Date & Time... Sep 21 2000, from 26:24 to 26:26 JST(+0900), composed 6 flames, 0.4sec exposed each
Optical... VIXEN 20cm (7.9") VISAC, collimation with Or6mm magnifier
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... OLYMPUS C-2020Z
Location... Kokubunji ciy, Tokyo
Camera Setting... Lens: f=19.1mm F2.8, synthesized focal length: f=5730mm
(Saturn image)
Date & Time... Sep 18 2000, from 25:10 to 25:14 JST(+0900), composed 20 flames, 1/4sec. exposed each
Optical... VIXEN 20cm (7.9") VISAC, collimation with LV12mm magnifier
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... OLYMPUS C-2020Z
Location... Kokubunji ciy, Tokyo
Camera Setting... Lens: f=38.2mm F2.8, synthesized focal length: f=5730mm

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