Release-Note for uploaded image

Total Lunar Eclipse 2011
Released date: Dec 23, 2013
Brief Description
This montage has created from shots of the total lunar eclipse on Dec 10, 2011 that could be observed at Japan with good condition.
The upper row of images is lined up with time course from left to right,
individual images have been HDR(High Dynamic Range)-composed of 4 shots exposed with different EVs to represent wide differences of brightness.
The central set of photos, shown the outline of Earth's umbra, is composed 7 shots aligned each position of taken times.
The moon is moving from right to left.
(All lunar photos have been displayed by turning celestial north direction upward)
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Dec 10 2011, from 22:25 to 24:39 JST(+0900), 1/640 to 8sec. exposed each
Optical... VIXEN 20cm (7.9") VISAC (f=1800mm, F9.0)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera... Nikon D700
(ISO800, recorded in JPEG-FINE format)
Location... Hitachi-oota city, Ibaraki pref.

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