Release-Note for uploaded image
The Orion

HD compatible (1152×768).....404KB (file name: wp11x.jpg)
Full-HD compatible (1620×1080).....768KB (file name: wp11f.jpg)

Released date: Jan 30, 1999
Revised date: Jan 18, 2014

Brief Description   The Orion images, captured the distribution of dimmed nebulae and star-links written. Left image shows you the Orion Association formed from the Barnard's Loop etc.

Photography Condition
Date & Time... Nov 18 1998, 24:15 JST(+0900), 35min. exposed
Optical... SMC Takumar f=105mm F2.4, stop: F4.0
   Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial
Camera... PENTAX 67
Film... Kodak Ektachrome E200 (+1EV pushed)

Date & Time... Dec 28 2013, 23:15 JST(+0900), 32min. exposed
Optical... SMC Takumar f=105mm F2.4, stop: F4.0, with Kenko PRO softon[A] filter
   Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial
Camera... PENTAX 67
Film... Fujichrome PROVIA 400X

Location... Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

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