Release-Note for uploaded image
Milky Way in winter
Released date: Jan 18, 2014
Brief Description
This image shows you a flow of the Milky Way in winter skies from Auriga to Canis Major.
The Orion and surrounding vast nebulae like the Barnard's Loop can be seen in lower part of image.
Photography Condition
Date & Time... Jan 12 2013, from 23:14 to 23:38 JST(+0900)
4 shots composed with 8min. exposed
Optical... TAMRON 17-50mmF2.8, f=17mm, Stop: F3.3
with Astrnomik CLS-CCD filter
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial
Digital Camera... Canon EOS 550D (Remodeled)
(ISO800, recorded in 14bit CCD-RAW)
Location... Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref.

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