Release-Note for uploaded image
Comet Hale-Bopp
Released date: Dec 15, 1998
Brief Description
The comet Hala-Bopp in evening western sky taken in April 1997.
The comet showed us a clear tail stretched over 5 degrees.
A putted image is magnified comet taken with telescope. The image shows a fan-like wide-spread dust tail and a dimmed bluish ion tail.
Photography Condition
(Wide angled image)
Date & Time... Apr 26 1997, 19:36 JST(+0900), 6min. exposed
Optical... MD Rokkor f=35mm F2.8, stop: F4.0
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Camera... MINOLTA SRT-101
Film... Konicacolor LV400
Location... Minamimaki vil., Nagano pref.
(Magnified image)
Date & Time... Apr 26 1997, 12min. from 19:48 & 10min. from 20:03, 2 images composed
Optical... PENTAX 7.5cm(2.9") ED refractor with comversion lens (f=360mm, F4.8)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Camera... VIXEN VX-1
Film... Fujicolor Super G Ace 400
Location... Minamimaki vil., Nagano pref.

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