Part 4 Sceneries in dawn
The Scorpius in dawn

Date & Time: Mar 7 2003, 29:07 JST(+0900), 5min. Exp.
Optical: SMC TAKUMAR f=55mm F3.5, Aperture: F4.0
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI JP Equatorial
Camera: PENTAX 67
Film: Ektachrome E100S (+1EV pushed)
Location: Ooizumi vil., Yamanashi pref.

This picture shows you summer's constellations floating in ultramarine dawn sky. The Antares in Scorpius and the Mars closing to Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius are vying their crimson colors.

Rising dawn Venus & a shooting star

Zodiacal light & rising Leo

Copyright(c) 2003 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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