Date & Time: | Jul 9 2016, 24:07 to 24:08 JST(+0900) |
| 1 minute exposed |
Optical: | Meade 25cm(10") Schmidt Cassegrain (f=2500mm, F10.0) |
| with SBIG DSS7 Spectrometer |
| Auto-guided with Meade LX200 Equatorial & Pictor 201 XT |
Cooled CCD Camera: | SBIG ST-402ME (Temp.: -15°C) |
Location: | Ooizumi, Hokuto city, Yamanashi pref. |
Upper strip: taken spectrogram, Lower strip: stretched 3-pixel-width & pseudo-colored image
This page shows a spectrogram of the central region of M17 and a profile provided from it.
The observed position has displayed in a right image shown as a rectangle.
The profile includes various emission lines of the Balmer series of H-alpha and H-beta, the ionized oxygen of O III, and weak signals of the ionized sulfur (S II), neutral helium (He I) atoms.
It can be seen that the H-alpha line at 6563Å has the overwhelmingly higher intensity because the nebula can be photographed as the reddish color.
|  Slit position (north in up)