Animation of Total Lunar Eclipse (Jul 16, 2000)

Date & Time: Jul 16 2000 from 20:59 to 25:00 JST (1/250 to 16sec. exposed each)
Edited to GIF animation format from 28 shots
Optical: 6cm Achromat refractor (f=540mm), collimation with LV25mm eyepiece
Synthesized focal length 413mm (equivalent 2217mm in 35mm film format)
Auto-guided with TAKAHASHI EM-200 Equatorial
Digital Camera: OLYMPUS C-2020Z
Camera settings: Mode...SHQ (1600x1200, high-quality JPEG format)
Lens...f=19.1mm(f=105mm in film format), stop:F2.8
CCD sensitivity...ISO100 (ISO400 in totality shots)
White balance...Auto
Location: Subashiri halfway up Mt. Fuji, Shizuoka pref.

You can see an animation of total lunar eclipse on Jul 16, 2000 in this page. The animation has been created by using of 28 shots for about four hours.
Though this animation shows you that the totally eclipsed moon appears suddenly, we cannot detect such a view. It's a reason that I took totality shots with long time exposure. Our naked eyes can see reddish color of shadow clearly even when the moon is partially eclipsed.

Lunar Eclipse, shadow of Earth

Sagittarius & eclipsed moon

Copyright(c) 2000 by Naoyuki Kurita, All rights reserved.
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